why is it that on friday evening i am suddenly exhausted? always? we watch an episode of the big bang theory, or whatever, and halfway i fall asleep.... so, no post yesterday. :(
on top of that, i forgot to take my keys to work yesterday, and i realized when i wanted to unlock my laptop to take it home; not possible. grrrr!! its funny; i am the only one locking my laptop; all the others just have it there on their desk. but at the university in the netherlands that was really impossible, they would even steal things out of your locked desk drawer....
anyways... i thought it was time for another self portrait, yet again a shadow one! this was in charlestown, when i took this picture. we were standing under this bright lamppost where tim had parked the car and we took quite some (according to us) funny pictures... im wondering if the people in the nearby apartments saw us, and were wondering what that was all about... :)
ah, and now its april already....