there are so many 4story apartment buildings in amsterdam... many have balconies and its interesting to see what people store on those.... i must say, i havent often seen bikes hanging like this on a balcony. thats more something for a storage room, but perhaps they dont have one. luckily we do have storage downstairs where we keep our bikes, i wouldnt like to have to store my bike outside. not only for the risk of being stolen, but also because i would really feel bad for it. rain is not good for a bike!!
most balconies are about the size as you see here, ours is no different. its not big, so i do try to keep it more tidy than this one. if not, we wouldnt be able to hang laundry, or to sit and enjoy the sun! we have some flowers too, but we dont have the fancy over-the-railing thingies to put them in. i must say i really enjoy having a balcony. i never had one before. of course, a garden would be even better, but a balcony will do at the moment. now that we have amazing weather, its nice to have breakfast and/or dinner outside. (secretly) observing the neighbors is of course fun too!!