nope, this is not a recent photo, but one from our first winter in boston; january 2011. there was sooo much snow! i was just looking at the pictures i took then, and it was even more than i remembered. i enjoyed everything of it; the snowstorms during the night with the wind slamming around our apartment, and the snow just falling, and falling and falling. and me? waking up every so many hours to check "the progress". getting outside in the morning in a perfectly white and silent world... we had several snowstorms 2 years ago, and while people were complaining and saying it was not normal, i thought we would get something similar last year...? but then we didnt, so i hoped it would happen this year....? so far not... but lets see.... tomorrow some snow is expected, but as its not freezing, i guess there will be rain too. but the next night it will be freezing cold.... so... perhaps next week...??! i want to go out and take pictures! right now the weather is actually a bit depressing. its grey and not cold. but not warm either. just grey and boring....
above is right outside the public garden in boston; the commonwealth avenue mall, which is lined pretty trees on both sides, and many statues in the middle. i have some photos of those... perhaps i should go find them for another post...