we got up early this morning. had a shared breakfast at denny's (however fancy, no complimentary breakfast at the trump hotel), dropped off the car and spent the rest of the day either waiting or flying.... booooring! :)
during our flight i calculated how many miles we drove: aproximately 2400!! which is around 3862 kilometres. ofcourse, i should say; tim drove and i took photos (aside from the few miles that i practised on straight empty roads....). we had such a great time!! we saw so many amazing things... while 2 days before we left we still hadnt a clue where to go and what to do. we discovered by just going, and i think that was part of the fun as well. we felt like real explorers... minus the discomfort of unpaved roads and having to sleep outside.. ;) above our rental car, tim kept saying how ugly it was, but i think it was not too bad. winter was an excellent choice for the places we went to, we think; not insanely hot. and aside from dallas (colder than boston when we left) and flagstaff (-18C/ -1F) it was not that cold most of the times.
but... its also good to be home again. homemade food again! homemade bread! and lots of vegetables. we tried to get a decent amount everyday (carrots are a good while driving, but it gets boring after a while), but we didnt manage every day. time for the gym again as well... im looking forward to it. almost... ;)