yesterday we saw a lot of live deer, so cute!! very different from the day before, when we saw many alongside the road, hit by cars... i guess that explains why most people around here have a big car with a huge cattleguard in front (we dont know the actual term, but you get what i mean, i hope). we saw some elk too, yesterday!
and so many cows, literally in the middle of nowhere, im really curious how that all works, does the farmer visit them.. or?
and another thought that cannot leave my mind; i once read that the entire world population (thats 6 billion people, right?) fits in the state of texas... but... then the density would be like new york city..... the remoteness we are driving through also made me realize something else, and although so very logic, it was a revelation to me.. ;) once the entire world was as remote as the places we drove through the past few days.... i am just not used to such emptiness and keep wondering how people can live there....
well, today is a beautifully sunny day! (the first, so far we started out grey every day), and we are up for another long drive, further west and north...