Thursday, September 2, 2010

American picnic

i think americans really like to picnic. we saw that already on july 4th. they bring huge blankets, food and games, often even foldable chairs and enjoy...
on the first day of september we went to the hatch shell at the south bank of the charles river (that area is called the esplanade). there was a free concert, the last one from many during the summer (the coming weekend summer officially ends.. buuh). they played all Beethoven's symphonies (each one every week). it was crowded! we were not that prepared and only had a small scarf and no food, but most people around us were.. like the old ladies above. wow, they brought so much! even a foldable table, and LOTS of food plus real wine glasses, which they continued to fill with wine... it was hard to take a picture of them, too far away and too dark.. so the most funny ones were not sharp... :( yes yes, taking pictures is no picnic!! :)
(i just learned that from wikipedia: In British and American English, the phrase "no picnic" is used to describe a difficult or trying situation or activity)

1 comment:

Tim said...

hahaha decadent old hags