Monday, November 1, 2010

My duck!!

seeing this picture on a boston-blog, i was so glad to finally find this sculpture in the public garden yesterday. the boy was hopping from one duck to the other while at the same time posing for his father with big camera, until arriving at the mother-duck. then the little girl upset the boy by posing with her mother... obstructing the boy's posing session... his face after that...!! oohh, he looked sooo unhappy, while the girl was totally unaware what happened and tried to engage the boy in playing with the ducks, but he could only look very dissatisfied. quite a crowd gathered to watch this unhappy boy, and several pictures were taken...


Stefan Jansson said...

It's a tough life growing up!

CaT said...

well said! :)
or hes a great actor and managed to interest quite a crowd in him already at this young age...

Cesc Sales said...

-A big, big duck for me!!!

Shannon said...

That is a great shot with the story of what is going on given. I was smiling while reading what went down.

Tim said...

look at all the comments! dreams coming true! :)

how delicate the boy's hand on the mother duck, betraying a hint of possession. How profound the instinct of first-right claim: i saw it first, so it is mine!

CaT said...

dont eat the duck!
and tim, maybe you should write the accompanying texts to the pics... :)