Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lady Fiasco

yesterday i saw large trucks with "monster tour lady gaga" on it. i asked my friend google what it meant, and i found out that today lady gaga was giving a concert in the TD garden. since the TD garden is in north station, where i take the orange line, i packed my camera this morning as i hoped to finally photograph "people going to the TD garden". ~19.000 people fit into the TD garden, so whenever there is an event, its hard to miss when you are in/around the station. tim left work a little later than me, so i was alone at north station, with my big camera, much too heavy bag, and an enormous amount of shyness!! :(( buuuh.. there were sooo many, very interestingly dressed girls (and some guys), much more interesting than these legs i recently posted. that was just child's play. seriously. but i did not dare... i felt so out of place, so obviously an outsider just there to take pictures. it was very crowded, and there were so many policemen and security guards... then tim finally came (usually then i better dare taking pics), but no.. still not... then he took some, and i was jealous, but they were all unsharp (ha! i thought... (how mean!)). finally i took the one above, but i took some time (as thats one of the things i finally learned; if i do take a pic; dont take it hastily...). and yep, immediately a policeman came telling me that i could not just stand there and had to move on. so, that was it. no extreme lady gagas for me..... :(


biebkriebels said...

I feel for you, I regcognize this so well. I sometimes see so beautiful subjects but I don't have the guts...But in the US you also have to copy with the police. It is frustating, but this one is allright with the purple hair, at least she has pants on.

Tim said...

the policemen were not that bad...in this case. They just told us to keep moving.. but if you demonise them you become more afraid than you have to be! The pictures i took were just for your stimulation.. ;)

Tim said...

this picture is good; it makes the blue-haired girl the subject of the shot, even though she is not aware of it, she is also exactly in the middle of the frame.

Shannon said...

If I heard Lady Gaga was in one area, I'd be running the other direction. You are brave.

Sylvia Neumann said...

probably you should imagine to be a journalist. maybe make yourself a name tag and invent a magazine:)

Tim said...

ja; Pimi Fashion!

Tim said...

i think lady gaga is almost as cool as warlock sheen. :)

CaT said...

well, tim, i dont agree. i felt i was not supposed to be there, mostly because of the police. most concert-people were fine with photographing, many even posed (for more daring people than me)....
and yes, sylvia; i was all the time thinking; imagine, imagine, imagine you are doing this for you job, that you HAVE to get a pic of this event. but it didnt work.... :( maybe with fake name tags it would indeed... :D
perhaps next time... ;)

Stefan Jansson said...

You have to get over this shyness thing. Most of these people would probably love to have their photo taken by you. All you have to do is ask them to pose and after that you can hide behind the camera.

Sérgio Pontes said...

Love that photo =)

CaT said...

thanks! :)