Thursday, September 15, 2011

Deadly force

on sunday we were at a cemetery behind our apartment complex. we had never been there before, and it was quite pretty! we also saw a hawk and spent quite some time observing it. or rather, waiting for it to do something interesting so that we could take a picture of it. but... he wasnt afraid at all, it seemed, he was just intently staring... sometimes at us, it seemed. i came a bit closer, and then i saw what he was looking at all the time; underneath the tree, there was a limp squirrel (perhaps because of the hawk?), who was depesrately trying to get away... eventually he managed. then the hawk got bored (and probably angry with us), and flew away...
i learned that deadly force is something else as well. i saw on the news that it is now law in new hampshire that people can use a gun with deadly force in public if they feel their life is in danger. before, this was only allowed on your own property. many people are against this, as it could lead to much more violence. i was a bit shocked by such a law, but i read now that not only the shire has it, but also for example florida, where the number of civilians killed through justified homicides tripled (i stole all this knowledge from here). those crazy americans....


biebkriebels said...

That is a great picture, sorry for him he lost his food, but that's life. The story about the guns is sad. Americans and they know the pioneer years are over and civalization has come?

CaT said...

hahahhahahahaha. im not sure they know that!! very funny :D

Tim said...

civilization has not come to new hampshire yet..

Birdman said...

Beautiful bird; deadly force. A strange mix indeed.

Unknown said...

Oh wow! I must have missed this post. That is one nice shot!!