Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pool closed

this picture i took on sunday. i liked the ominous sky combined with sunshine, and the rain i expected actually never came. the previous weekend i also took some pics around the pool, all not to my liking, and also this one does not reflect the beauty i saw when walking around it! the pool has been closed since a while now.. :( leaves started to accumulate, and with the sun it was soo pretty! yesterday morning we saw that they were taking out the leaves, and when coming back from work last night the pool was entirely covered. not at all pretty anymore and so suddenly the picture above looked a little more appealing to me than when i could still look outside and see it for real.. :) (haha, that goes fast).
anyways, im currently obsessed with crooked pictures (thats a new word for me. sounds funny). i easily misjudge the horizon level and then end up with something i thought would be nice, but... is crooked! aarrghhh. practise!!
back to the pool; it will be months before we can swim there again. and before that i will experience my first "real winter". brrrr... im now confined to the gym for my exercise, and find it extremely boring.. beeeughhhh.


Tim said...

actually, we were running outside yesterday..

CaT said...

thats true. let me elaborate on that for the truly interested: all the machines in the gym were occupied!! so, we decided to just run outside. because.. thats also still possible! and... i could run more than i could a few months back, so in fact i was rather proud.. and then we got back to the gym and i tried this weird machine called crosscountry or something, but that was really really weird and now my muscles are a little painful (but only a little!!), so my biking did improve my overall fitness. jeeejjj!

Unknown said...

cross-country is the best machine! :) (but yeah, you discover muscles you never knew you had......)

CaT said...

i think it is a weirdo machine and its actually just like biking but then without a seat and much more exposed.. next time im back on the boring bike again.. just wish there was a program that they show im biking through the woods or so..

Tim said...

i did not discover any muscles, and the machine SUCKS. Wobbly piece of shit. You try to stop it keeps going and you are like leave me alone you devilish crapshoot. Whats wrong with just running.