Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blue sky!

behind all those clouds there is a very blue sky!
we watched the outcome of the elections tonight. sort of. the enormous tv was on mute and we played some game. of all the people present, only 2 (out of 11, i think) were real americans and allowed to vote! i learned that when you vote, you get a sticker that says "i voted". and real americans really wear that sticker. i find that very interesting, and cute too! like when you did you did some task well, at school.... also, cnn said obama was "the winner", as if it literally was a race, and obama was fastest (shouldnt it be "elected"?). here you can see how much money each candidate raised and spent on the elections. its really incredible. imagine what could have been done with all that money.... (instead of all those negative ads about each other)!
anyways..., now its really late and obama still did not give his speech, maybe its time for bed and watch it later.....


Andy said...

I am glad the election is over. I'm also glad that you posting your photos is not over. Keep on clicking.

biebkriebels said...

We woke up with the speech of Obama so we supposed he had won. It was quite a circus with confetti etc. We didn't have that with our new Prime Minister and his companions on the steps with the Queen. I like it Obama had Bruce Springsteen, our Mark had Gordon at his victory evening...
Well, congrats, you a president we a new government.

Tim said...

beautiful sky!!

Kay said...

One can win and lose an election - and it's even called a "race." I think it's more endurance than sport, though those sports allusions are always close at hand. And not everyone gets stickers that say "I voted." We all vote by mail in Washington state. I don't need to be congratulated with a cheesy little sticker.

It pains me to think of how much constructive stuff election funding could take care of. . .

Jack said...

Fabulous sky!

No comment on the elections.